With six council owned caravan parks in their district, Yorke Peninsula Council had struggled to keep up with the maintenance of the laundry equipment in both their caravan park guest and commercial laundries. Old equipment of different brands and models kept breaking down and interfering with their daily operations. They were faced with the issue of finding a significant capital outlay.
So, the Yorke Peninsula Council contacted both their existing provider and Total Commercial Equipment for a solution.
The Council had not dealt with Total Commercial Equipment previously, but the option of a 5 year full replacement cycle of 30 Primus washers and dryers with regular preventative maintenance was attractive to them. Total Commercial Equipment also removed all existing machines, taking care of their re-sale and reimbursing the Council with the proceeds. Bronwyn from the Council said that “one of the main attractions was the ability to finance the machines, rather than having a large capital outlay all at once”.
“All of the staff who we dealt with were excellent. They were extremely helpful and went out of their way to ensure that we were receiving what had been agreed to” said Bronwyn in regards to the delivery and installation of 30 washers and dryers across six different caravan park locations.
Total Commercial Equipment took two days to install the new equipment and remove all existing equipment across the six sites, with minimal disruption to park operations.
“Having brand new, matching machines in our laundries has immediately brightened them up! The Primus machines look modern and sleek and we have received a number of positive comments regarding their presentation. Going forward we hope that by replacing the machines every 5 years and having a regular maintenance program in place, we should avoid the high repair costs that we have had in the past.”
The benefits of new Primus laundry equipment even flowed over into their employment recruitment process. “Having new industrial machines in place was a significant attraction during our recent Caravan Park Manager recruitment process when applicants queried the process for washing linen” she said.
Needless to say the Council and Caravan Park Managers are extremely happy with the outcome. The Council “have and will continue to recommend the program to others in similar situations.”