The most used in any kitchen
Cooktops are a staple in any restaurant, making them integral to get right. We have a large variety of cooktops, griddles and chargrills in an array of sizes to suit any space. Modular units are also available, allowing flexibility and customisation to your working area.
Our brands include Luus, Zanussi, Blue Seal, Cobra.
Below is a selection of our range. Please contact us if you don't see something that you are looking for.
Luus Professional Series CooktopsOut of stock
Luus Professional Series Grills & BarbecuesOut of stock
Luus Griddle ToasterOut of stock
Waldorf CooktopsOut of stock
Blue Seal Evolution CooktopsOut of stock
Cobra CooktopsOut of stock
Cobra GriddlesOut of stock
Cobra Combination Griddle and CooktopOut of stock
Cobra BarbecuesOut of stock
Trueheat Gas Cooktops 2-6 BurnersOut of stock
Trueheat Griddle Plates 300-900mmOut of stock
Trueheat Char BroilersOut of stock
Trueheat Pasta CookerOut of stock
Mercury Cook TopOut of stock
Mercury Char BroilerOut of stock
Mercury GriddleOut of stock
Zanussi EVO700 Target TopOut of stock
Zanussi EVO700 CooktopsOut of stock
Zanussi EVO900 CooktopsOut of stock
Zanussi EVO700 Fry Top and GriddleOut of stock
Zanussi EVO700 ChargrillsOut of stock
Zanussi EVO900 Fry Top and GriddleOut of stock
Zanussi EVO900 ChargrillsOut of stock
American Range Char GrillsOut of stock
Zanussi EVO900 Target TopsOut of stock
American Range Boiling TopsOut of stock
American Range Combination Griddle and SalamanderOut of stock
Goldstein PFT-28 Target TopOut of stock
Gasmax Gas Cooktops (with optional stand)Out of stock
Gasmax Gas Griddles (with optional stand)Out of stock
Gasmax Char Grill Tops (with optional stand)Out of stock