Henny Penny 340 Series Open Fryers
The Henny Penny 340 series fryers are a high-performance fryer offering large capacity and wider frying vats compared to the 320 series fryers. The wider vats makes these an ideal choice for fish and chips shops who float fry fish, but also a great fryer for customers needing to open fry large quantities of product quickly and consistently.
Available Models:
- OFE 341 1-well electric
- OFE 342 2-well electric
- OFG 341 1-well gas
- OFG 342 2-well gas
AUTO LIFT - OEA 341 1-well electric
- OEA 342 2-well electric
- OGA 341 1-well gas
- OGA 342 2-well gas
- Wide body fryer allows for 3 x 1/3 baskets or 2 x large 1/2 baskets per vat, also well suited to 'float frying' product without baskets
- Consistent cooking without relying on staff judgement
- An integrated oil filtration system is fast, efficient and safe for staff to perform several times during the day to maximise oil life
- Idle mode can be selected during quiet times to give energy savings and assist extend oil life
- Computron 1000 controller offers simple yet accurate digital temperature setting, current oil temperature display and countdown timers,
- Computron 8000 controller offers multiple product programs, filter prompting and tracking and load compensation feature.
Silver Chef | Yes |
Eco Friendly | No |